It’s my very favorite holiday! Hunker down, magical sisters, and welcome the dark of night and all that comes with it this weekend. There are riches to be found at this time, and our intentions always bring results, do they not?
I woke up this morning having dreamed of opening a cantilevered drawer in an old house. In the dream, I’m struggling to open the huge drawer, which is the size of a wall. The facing is peeling off and I’m trying to avoid splintering my hands up. When the drawer comes out, it falls forward and there are no tracks to keep it steady. I’m afraid of what dustbunnies and assorted rodents might live under there! I go to the corner and peer in and I see a nest made of an old fruit crate turned on it’s side and four very large, reflective eyes looking out at me. My dog Willow is lying asleep next to two baby Ringtail Cats, which I find curious.
Upon waking, I remembered that Ringtails are nocturnal, and that they hear and see extremely well in the dark with their huge lantern eyes. They love to eat insects and berries and live in solitary. What I love most about my experiences with them is knowing that they’re there patrolling the night, eliminating pesty creatures and acting as protectors of those who walk by day.
Sometimes the things that we fear which reside in the dusty dark places act as protectors for us without our knowing. It is heartening to discover that things that go bump-in-the-night are sometimes the energies which are looking out for us.
It is entirely possible on this Beauty Way, this walk of light, that our dreams are taking care of certain aspects of our soul work which there are no daytime words for, nor conscious articulation of. We can ask for what we are needing help with before bedtime and ask that those who can help with the understories come forward to be acknowledged, and they will come, shedding knowledge on what has before been unknown or untrusted.
As we walk into Hallowmas/Samhain this weekend, it’s easy to remember the things that have frightened us about the mysterious Other Side. What we can welcome is the knowledge that we are not alone, and that befriending the creatures and energies of the night makes allies for traveling to the spirit worlds when we are seeking insight about ourselves or the ancestors.
This time of year is so very potent and the time for mystics of all walks to connect with those who came before us. I hope feasting and fires are in the plans for you, and here are a few other ideas to include in your celebration:
- Write letters to your ancestors, without fear of pouring out your heart in it’s entirety to them. Ask for help, and let them know what you really appreciate about them and your line. Ask them for guidance. Burn it in your ceremonial fire.
- Make a dream bundle of mugwort, sage, lavender, rosemary, and/or valerian root. Speak your needs into it while creating it, before tucking it under your pillow at bedtime.
- Turn off all artificial lights at sundown and enjoy candlelight or firelight, instead. In the dark, our senses and perceptions become heightened, helping us to navigate the unseen realms with more skill.
- Sleep for ten hours and receive the benefits of both deep rest and more vivid dreams.
- Test your night vision by walking outside (carefully!) in the moonlight. Discover how much you can see without a flashlight.
- Build an altar, placing flowers and photos of your ancestors there for honoring.
May the wisdom and guidance of your ancestors be with you.
Blessed Samhain to you on this weekend of honoring.
Great post. Thank you
Mmmm, yes. I love this time of year too. We have created a large and beautiful altar in our home to honor our ancestors and our dead. It has been a busy season for us, one filled with death in various forms. It leaves me thinking about how I can more fully live. Going to take my girls out for a rainy hike, today. I will build a fire this weekend, light my altar candles and do some journey work to call on these night spirits, of which you speak. I could use their support and solace, right about now. Love your dream thoughts. Keep it real and magical, my sweet sister friend.