What is a mother wound?
The mother wound is generational pain caused by the matrilineal legacy and involves shadows which can be healed by addressing perpetual patterns rooted in shame, comparison, guilt, co-dependence, self-sabotage, invasions of privacy, boundaries violations, unsupportive community, not-enoughness, unworthiness, anxiety and depression, eating disorders, addiction, and/or a sense of not knowing oneself. It has been known to result in severed and diminished quality of relationships, poor choices in life-partners and careers, and the drama of suffering, to name a few.
Who has a mother wound?
You may suffer some level of mother-wounding if you:
- Tend to bottle up feelings or lie to protect others from your truth
- Don’t trust yourself
- Feel fractured from your intuition
- Hunger for validation from others
- Feel/felt as a child loved conditionally based on your behavior or had love withheld until you met the requirements
- Suffer frequent fight or flight syndrome
- Suffer from an insecure attachment or anxiety/depression
- Currently have or have had an eating disorder
- Have a mother who rages, sulks, punishes, guilts, practices silent treatment, and/or shames
- Have a mother with borderline personality disorder, addiction and/or mental illness
- Have a mother who wasn’t acknowledged or validated for her sacrifices or care of the family
- Have a disempowered mother
- Seek to carry your mother’s pain for her
- Have a jealous or resentful mother
- Want to “take care of” your mother
- Don’t want to make mother “feel bad”
- Yearn for mother’s approval, acknowledgement, appreciation, unconditional love
- Have a mother who withholds love or loving words to prove a point or manipulate
- Have a mother who intentionally injures you
- Become tense and/or anxious when spending time with your mother
- Have ever made choices against your well being to avoid upsetting mom, triggering her or to avoid conflict
- Have a mother who criticizes, nags, nit-picks, fault-finds
- Do not feel appreciated, seen and/or heard by your mother
- Have a sense that mother wants to do a better job of acknowledging your awesomeness, but lacks the verbal skills or has limits around her capacity to honor you
- Have a mother who has not grieved her losses or feels she has not lived up to her potential
- Have a mother who displaced her feelings and/or projects onto you and/or still does
- Sense an unofficial agreement that you are not to surpass her in virtue, glory or accomplishment
- Have a mother who competes with you or seeks to “one-up” you
- Have a mother who dominates conversations or seems needy for your time, energy and approval
- Have a mother who tends toward narcissism
- Have a mother who competes with other women
- Or your mother are energy-depleted or suffer from auto-immune disorder
- Have a mother who had a fractured relationship with her mother
- Are not safe to express your feelings to your mother, or were not safe to do so as a child
- Have a mother who relies on you for emotional support
- Have a mother who does not have authentic friends or community
- Have a mother who “knows best” or claims she knows you better than you know yourself
- Fear abandonment/rejection/neglect by mother
- Fear abandonment and/or rejection in your primary relationships, especially significant other
- Seldom feel “good enough”
- Tend to sabotage your efforts before they come to fruition
- Or your mother suffered sexual abuse, objectification or mental/physical/spiritual abuse as a child
- Consider yourself a “rescuer”, “fixer” or “manager” of the family
- Consider yourself a “people pleaser”
- Have a wounded mother who has not healed her trauma/doesn’t speak of it
Whew! That’s a mighty laundry list, eh?
These courses are designed to accomplish three main goals:
- Tend the scars left by the Mother Wound with tools that connect you to who you are as a spiritual being + resources for living with more ease around your injuries
- Heal the patterning passed down through generations of inadequate nurture with ritual, ceremony, journey, meditations & forming a satisfying and reciprocal connection to Divine Mother
- Offer spiritual support, understanding, comprehension and compassion to a complex system which has a lasting impacts
What these courses are not designed to do:
- Substitute for a clinical therapy process
- Address or solve a mental health emergency
- Advise you on how to live your life or help you make decisions about your situation
These courses have been meticulously designed in an effort to minimize screen time and emphasize healing at a pace that is favorable to you.
Each section brings enlightenment to an insidious and erosive template of negativity, brighten perceptions of who you are, and educates you on how to elect to be the healer for your lineage. You’ll come away with the tools to shift and move beyond what you have come to expect as a result of maternal injuries.
While it may seem daunting to take on the task of looking at, feeling through, and efforting to heal the mother wound, remember that the aim is to discover the nature of the energy and transform it with tools, re-patterning, self-compassion, and community. The raw nature of the wound may include triggers, reactions, anxieties, holiday drama, depression, repression. The healing of the wound simply requires a willingness to listen, that you grant yourself permission to try a new way, and commit to valuing yourself.
It will also help you to remember that we are gathering not to blame or stay in contract with the mother wound, but to liberate yourself from the toxic patterns which are affecting your life today.
“I would like to send a huge HEART Felt thank you for this work. I have been working on “Transforming the Mother Wound” and find it simple, powerful, straight-to-the-point without losing any depth whatsoever. It’s been really well put together and find it incredibly beneficial. It has been incredibly beneficial prior to the birth my baby.” – EB
All Three Courses are Available in a Bundle
Part One: Clarity & Protection
Self-Study Course
This course serves to remove and clear the psyche of untrue beliefs and set up systems for a solid foundation the Mother Wound has left you without.
- Observe the family map to observe where the breakdowns occurred
- Travel inward to meet the ancestors and visit the sites where healing is to take place
- Make allies to assist in unearthing your healing
- Address fears and challenges of being in relationship
- Grieve the losses which continue to present
- Develop ways of seeing yourself as the Healer archetype for your family line
5 Videos
Written content
Journal Prompts
Journey & Ritual
- Rattle
- Flowers
- White candles
- Altar Cloth
- Shawl or light blanket
- Packet of seeds for closing ritual + potting soil
It is recommended that you complete Part One before taking Part Two
$99.00Add to cart
Part Two: Beyond the Narrative
Self-Study Course
We will work to move you beyond the narrative of the wounding and into your personal legacy that carries your family forward.
- Reframe your purpose through the lens of your healing process
- Visit through journey with ancestors and sacred sites for ongoing healing and evolving relations
- Unmake vows and contracts that aren’t working and make new ones that support your path
- Acknowledge avoidant patterns and the gift of your voice
- Engage relationships with boundaries and guidelines especially for those healing a mother wound
- Define your values system and modify for quality & intimacy
8 Videos
Written content
Journey & Ritual
- Rattle
- Flowers
- White candles
- Altar Cloth
- Shawl or light blanket
- Packet of seeds for closing ritual + potting soil
$99.00Add to cart
Part Three: Embryonic Guardianship
Self-Study Course
An exploration:
-of the energy that brought you into the world
-to obtain a visual sense of yourself at conception and as a growing being inside the womb
-to allow a comprehensive felt experience of your adult Self nurturing your embryonic self
-to transform the heavy weight of ancestral burdens and release legacy burdens
-to facilitate a listening experience of your body that is holding trauma and beliefs that are harming you
-to honor the vessel of your body as it carries you through life
Video One:
Conception: Explore the energy of your existence through the lens of your spirit and the vessel you came through
Initiation + Imaginative Exploration of Your Existence through Self-Inquiry
Video Two:
Before Conception: Dive into the energy behind and before what got you here to make a secure and trusting connection to your purpose for being here
Connecting to a New Lens + Guided Visualization
Video Three:
Integration: Bring understanding and empathy to your contract with life today, reclaim relationship to early developmental parts
Create a Prayer, Poetry, Chant or Meditation to Keep You Connected to Your Original Energy
Journal + Pen
Eye cover
Internet connection that allows for live streaming
Reading to Consider:
Spiritual Anatomy, Ginny Nadler
Nurturing Resilience, Kathy Kain
Meta Human, Deepak Chopra
$99.00Add to cart

For the full experience, take all three
$198.00Add to cart