The natural world, far removed from our modern one of plastics, clean, hot running water and every convenience at our fingertips, is always waiting not too far outside the door.
I took a walk in the dark of the clouded-over new moon tonight and asked for guidance: for my health, for the health of my loved ones, for the work that I do, for the people of the world who are hurting. I often receive the same answers: to go deeper into the Earth, to seek the wisdom in her ecology, to understand the messages tucked inside of her soil and to learn from the nature of her complex creatures who are frequently perceived as more simple than we humans.
To be anthropmorphic-to assume that animals have emotions and systems which might mirror ours may seem remedial to some. But to me, being anthropocentric-to assume that animals do not possess emotions, make choices, exert some notion of free will, is more dangerous to Earth’s ecology. We humans are not the only ones which are equipped with advanced operating systems.
Most animals hear with far greater accuracy than we do. Their sensitivities to subtle vibrations in the ground and air prompt them to move or stay still. They see with keener eyes than us, and smell danger or food sources in a way in which we have forgotten. We do not have to utilize this intelligence anymore, much is done for us. Only in our relationships do we show up with some perplexedness about needing to perceive and read signals and signs.
If we can understand that we are related to everything and everyone,
we can bring the same attention and commitment.
We have all but lost our connection to the world in which we live. We have all but sacrificed our intuition, which can guide us when we call upon it to from the depths of our origins. We can remember, and re-member if we want to try, and I think it can help us to reacquaint ourselves with the confidence which is felt when we understand our connection to all living things, including what is happening inside of the Earth and in the Sky.
Spring is coming in the Northern Hemisphere. It can be felt in the warming and the lengthening of the days, and on the breeze. It can be seen when we look beyond our usual range. All of the knowledge of what is coming and what is possible can be sensed when we remember where we came from.
I loved reading this today. I am so with you. I feel like the answers to everything right now are in just that – relating to the earth. Every living thing has the breath of life – stones, soil, sky, star and are our teacher.
Thank you for this reminder of our relationship with the Earth, animals and plants. When we love closely with the natural world we develop a concept with our rightful place in nature as opposed to being “consumers” of nature.
Hi there dear Pixie… this really filled me up. I stood on the hill at daybreak this morning and charged up asking that i might recieve that which serves my holy purpose and release that which does not serve my holy purpose. And as i came down the hill i watched the sweep of the next hill softly meet the sky and i felt that nourishment begin. I learn so much when i look and remember. It requires such a different approach to that which pushes us along in the overculture we live in… thank all that is holy for that… it just takes some learning is all… i wrote something similar the other day … loving you always j
love and ight