Boundaries are those lines in the sand no one is supposed to cross. When they get crossed and you lack the confident and fair language to put things right, and quickly, a chain reaction of emotional turmoil tends to ensue. Left untended, relationships become unbalanced and sometimes end. Often after a boundaries violation, we’re left feeling disrespected, which is common in a culture which has put too many things ahead of respect in terms of core values. The tricky part is that we also unwittingly cross others’ boundaries because of how we’ve been cultured.
When boundaries are crossed, we allow others into our personal and private space. It leads to a depletion of our energy, which is so precious in this busy, modern era. The dimension we exist in and the paths we’re walking ask a lot of us! It’s important to preserve what we can and have a plan for how to budget our energy in order to take care of our most basic emotional and spiritual needs.
Boundaries are guidelines for how we want to be respected/respectful, but they’re more than that. They represent how we identify ourselves on the inside, and in the context of the world around us.
What are your basic energy needs? How do you conserve them? Honor them? Leak them?
And here’s a curve ball: What happens when we set limits for ourselves and then cross them?
For one thing, we compromise our integrity, fall prey to our own shadow behaviors, lose confidence in ourselves to stick to our agreements- all which results in a de-pressing of what is true and authentic for us. We get stuck, and can’t find our compass within. It basically seems like all hell is breaking loose in our world. We’ve given our precious energies away and are stealing unknowingly from others. We wander aimlessly not knowing how to take care of ourselves and be an asset to ourselves, our families and the world.
In SouLodge Boot Camps, beautiful, fast-track community conversations take place about how to be, what to do, effective language to use, and how to restore balance to an unbalanced world.
Some healing of thoughts, ideas and childhood injuries usually occur. It starts with us, and we have to begin where we have the most information, which is right inside of our own lives! Fortunately, we have guides (RAWR! SSSssss! Awroooooo!) available to model new ways.
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