It’s my 44th birthday week! And aren’t our birthdays a little bit like New Year’s?
I’m really earth-heavy in my chart, so my natural gesture is about use-able tools and grounded, practical knowledge. I take the opportunity at each birthday to set intentions for the year and see how I can put my tools to pragmatic use for the benefit of my goals. First on my list is making vows to my body and fleshing out the details for what that will look like. Secondly, after the chaos of a moving year and initiating myself into the new ways of living in a new town with new…everything, I’m inviting a calmer state of being to take up residence inside of me.
With grateful eyes, I’m greeting the transition of seasons, and welcoming the energies of the new moon. Looking to the sky, I find myself wanting to align even more with the natural gravitational rhythms which can make my earthwalk smoother.
With so much change in my recent history, this shift-loaded period coupled with cozy Fall temperatures calls for settling in, and cultivating calmer energies in my world. The solar eclipse showed me the error of some of my shadow ways last week and now I’m looking with a softer gaze toward the lunar eclipse after the Equinox later this month to help me shed the old habits which aren’t working and walk more lightly into the future. I’ll be walking (err, slithering) along with many women through the medicine of Snake beginning next week and hoping to lighten all of our loads as we shed skins and align with our sacred rhythms and honor the healer which lives inside all of us. (To join us with a little birthday present from me to you, use code SOULODGE20 when you register.)
On my heart today to share with you are these mantras:
I trust that I will understand.
I trust that I am understood by a cosmology greater than myself.
I trust that peace is found in becoming still.
I trust that the floodgate which I’m afraid will open will not drown me.
I trust that opening will always provide richer rewards than closing.
I trust that I am sacred.
I trust that I am loved and lovable and that my own love radiates out effortlessly to others.
I believe in miracles.
Carrying the divine feminine in my heart this early Fall as we practice walking in beauty.
so much birth day love coming your way sister
or should I say sssssslithering your way!!
love and light
Happy Birthday, Pixie!
May your year bring settling into the land and space your heart and feet have called you to, with a deep, contented breath.
‘Landing’ in a place takes some time, I’ve discovered – getting to know the rhythms of the new land and her children, watching the sunrise shift with the seasons, and the constellations from a new vantage-point.
Beautiful read. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Dear Pixie! I celebrate the day you were born as the day the earth received a wonderful gift! Thank you so much for coming here and agreeing to shine!
The mantras that resonated for me in this moment are:
I trust that the floodgate which I’m afraid will open will not drown me.
I trust that opening will always provide richer rewards than closing.
Birthday blessings
Lovely mantras! “I trust that the floodgate I’m afraid will open will not drown me” Wonderful & much needed. Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Pixie, Beauty Walking! Aho!
Happy Birthday Pixie! Thank you for the inspiring mantras. 🙂
Oh Happiest of birthday wishes! The gift is grand and helped me be able to register for the medicine of Snake! I hope your birthday week holds much joy and love. I am writing down a few of the mantras to utilize for my journey. Thanks!
Just what I needed to receive in this moment. Thank you for giving of yourself so generously. And Happy Happy Birthday Love to you!
I love the inspiring affirmations you have so graciously shared with us….light and blessings to you in this your birth month!!