As the Earth begins to warm up here in Central Oregon, Team SouLodge is gearing up for SouLodge Medicine Gathering. Celebrating Summer Solstice in June and Lammas in August, our two annual festivals are packed with restorative, nourishing medicine and sacred women to support your spiritual journey and wellness. The healing, sisterhood, and fun we experience together in nature, along with the wildlife present out in the Sacred Meadow will lift and carry you throughout the year.
What I enjoy most about creating this event are the magnificent WOMEN who I get to see each year. Experiencing the sights, smells, tastes, feels and sounds of SMG is something I look forward to so much. And hello…bringing a group of people to this ranch where beauty reigns fills me up with PURE JOY. After so many years of traveling out to meet others, I now get to bring you HERE. So good.
Sunjay Owen is a longtime sister of mine and will be hosting a workshop at June SMG on the Healing Power of the Drum. Her British humor slays me, she’s deeply involved in music culture for over 40 years (remember the Belle Stars?), and honors the plants and animals in all medicine she makes. Check out this video of her speaking about what she’ll be sharing:
This Saturday, March 12 is ALSO our monthly online gathering with Sisters on a Journey to take shamanic journey and raise our vibrations with the greater world community in mind. We meet for just an hour per month and all journeys are recorded for viewing at your convenience if you can’t make the live time. This month our journey focuses on womb support and understanding what the womb of the Earth can teach us. No prior journey experience required.
Shamanic journey is an effective (and my favorite) tool for self-healing and soul-travel. I’ve been utilizing it for over fifteen years to facilitate healing for myself and others. This form of inward exploration reveals mysteries of the Self which are inextricably tied to the Great Mystery and our place in the cosmos. In journey, we are able to locate lost aspects of soul which we have been searching and yearning for. Many times in journey, we receive answers to the questions we have. Sometimes we receive healings, comfort, support or more questions to dig into.
Journeys can result in feelings of increased connectedness, forgiveness, kindness to oneself, patience and trust with the processes of life and healing, and restoration. It is a practice which nourishes the spiritual traveler and is especially helpful in times of anxiety about the unknown or when welcoming back the pure essence of oneself which was present prior to injury, accident, and trauma.
oh my how your purpose calls to me! it’s been a dream of mine to go to one of your camps, but being unemployed, along with homeschooling, has kept me away.
know that you are always in my “sight”!