The upcoming total solar eclipse is creating quite a stir among populations who look to the stars and sky for inspiration and growth opportunities. It makes perfect sense, given that rare occasions like these, happening at potent astrological times (sun transiting into Leo and out into Virgo during the full moon cycle in which there is a partial lunar eclipse) ripen us for big shifts in thinking and being.
For me personally, it signifies a time of amplification: of my highly-sensitive tendencies, of perception, of observing my habits of being and doing, and how I’m showing up in the world. A period of amplification means that I feel everything more acutely-my antennae are at full-mast, taking it all in, sensing what is out of alignment, what is uncomfortable and what helps me radiate my full potential. Overworking, for example, doesn’t increase my vitality and radiance (nod from Leo). Working enough on the projects that are a good match for my gifts, however, does. Showing up intimately for my family, especially the feels of my children, is proving worthwhile. Both of them, but particularly my daughter, seem especially emotional and prone to overwhelming bouts of neediness right now. Cancelling plans and sitting close to home at full attention is what I’ve found myself doing more than usual.
Eclipses also signal realignment: my spine and neck are telling a story of holding. There are vertebrae which are out, and my hormones, thoughts, and brain function have been a bit glitchy. Moving my body has become priority number one as I answer the invitation to become more aligned with what my spirit was made to do here on earth during this lifetime.
I’m feeling a deep call to nourish and nurture: to up my self-care game so that I can be more confident in my personal energy and also show up to the communities and people who count on me. Our moon signs show us how we like to be nourished and nurtured, loved by our intimates. My moon sign is in Leo, and that sometimes means I like to be seen and heard when I am exuding my radiance. Sounds funny to write, but it’s true. When I am refueling and restoring, I like to hide in a cool, dark cave.
I’m writing a book about grief right between these two eclipse events- Prayers of Honoring Grief, to be exact, which is in embryonic state at present. It will have it’s vital organs and skeleton developed by the time the solar eclipse occurs. This wasn’t foreseen when I put the dates aside, it was a matter of working on the project before my children went back to school and while I could claim some good weather days on a lake in the middle of nowhere to feel my way through my own untended griefs, while tapping into the language which can be meaningful for those who will be called to read it. Now I see that it is a power time for me to bring this work to life-just in the midst of a period which calls for sweet and serious honoring of all that really is, in order to move forward in a secure way.
Thank you for writing and sharing. In I time when I really can NOT, I am grateful to receive during this time. ALL the love.
I hear you, dear one. And always, always, feeling close to the bone of your wisdom.
I love you
Thank you for all that you do
Love Light and Shadow
At times your words seem as my own thoughts. I too have my moon in Leo. I have felt this amplification as well and the need to stay close to home. I have been trusting my gut to make the correct decisions for me. Thank you always for sharing your gifts. I realize more everyday how important the words we choose are. Wishing you clear skies today. Blessings.
I think a book of Honoring Grief will find excellent hands and hearts during this time! I know it will be quite potent timing for me as I begin to understand my own work in the world (as a fledgling Deathwalker), what that means & entails, and how to walk in the world of the day-to-day, doing the work that pays the bills (graphic designer/librarian) while combining the work that I was quite literally born to do. (And, oh yeah, it scares that bejabbers out of me. So I that’s how I know it’s right, right?) 😉
Lawts & lawts of love, as ever!