It is a strange day to be a woman in the western world today. Especially if one was required to read a thieve’s share of dystopian novels in high school and college: 1984, Animal Farm, The Handmaid’s Tale, anything by Margaret Atwood or Ayn Rand, actually, and so many more. Ahem.
Many thoughts have live-streamed through my mind on this unforgettable day in history. The presidential election in the U.S. seems to be spotlighting all of the archetypes (a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches) in those around me: Healer, Mystic, Rebel, Activist, Teacher, Mother, Hero, Warrior, Altruist…and the darker ones, too: Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute, Orphan Child-the hopeful and the hopeless feeding us their thoughts, quotes, anecdotes and fears all at once in a great and desperate windfall to escape the feelings. I have heard today that people are “terrified”, “horrified”, “scared to death”, “seeking to flee other countries”, “outraged”, “angry”, and fed up. Some of those who voted the arrogant madman in seem to be unsure whether he will fulfill their hopes or create a third world war, but I’m assuming are willing to take their chances. This is only in my insular, non-FB world, limited to Insta and mass, all-day texting.
As I’ve sat with my own inventory and ignored much of the news, I found a few thoughts making the rounds:
Politics stir our hopes and our fears in one big stew of emotions with nothing left to do but drink it all down. Huge hangover factor.
Collective rage, disappointment and frustration are powerful emotions when directed appropriately. When directed inappropriately, they cause much destruction.
Every day, passionate action calls. Many days we opt not to pick up.
The earth is our home, and she will be here whether we are or not. She is full to the brim with good medicine for the spirit and body, but there are many who do not wish to honor it. That makes the job evermore important for those who do.
The overculture is patriarchal, and what this means is that elder men of power are leading while everyone else-men, women and children-are disempowered and excluded from this process. It has to go. I believe it has been trying to release the death-grip for years for reasons both logical and cosmic. The answer is not matriarchy, but a harmonious and sacred balance of the two.
I have heard many bold and courageous voices in the last six months, folks willing to risk becoming unpopular for speaking their values and standing on the front lines. Post-election depression often finds folks shelving their values and trying to work with what they are fed. Staying activated and energized is key. (Please keep speaking and living your values, in fact, amplify them.)
Aiming for physical, emotional and spiritual wellness is critical. That is to say everyone should be entitled to clean air, water, food which is fairly and sustainably grown and traded. This is not a privelege for the middle+ classes, which means attention must be given and resources shared with those who have not previously had access.
Women today can take heart knowing that we are not hated, we are feared. Why? Because we hold the keys to creation and nurture, the very things we are extremely deficient in. Men have these qualities, too, and some circles would deem them betraying their masculinity to say, comfort a child or talk about feelings. I think it is safe to say those days are over.
Consumption is out of control. Period. Our hunger for useless and petroleum-derived goods is driving local and international markets to the point of serious illness and ruin.
Convenience is a top priority in the west and no good is going to come of this.
Human spirit and human possibility are infinite and beautiful, and we have access to the high expression of it every single day. Right now. Our energy is real and it vibrates out and creates more of itself in others and the world (ever brought stress around a baby?). What we generate multiplies. If it is fear, then more fear will come. If it is shame, then more shame will come. If it is insecurity…you get my drift. If it is hope, commitment and dedication, more will be born. We humans are all magicians in this way.
I do not believe that a figurehead president and his homogeneous congress can make or break a nation of 325 million very diverse people.
Especially if those 325 million people know that they exist and hence, have a voice.
Thank you Pixie for the broader perspective and the focus on the power (good and bad) of our thoughts and emotions. We are all magical. Collectively, even more so.
I love this. And you.