2016 SouLodge has come together -and will be a beautiful year with Wolf, Hawk and Owl!
The teachers who have stepped forward to walk with you are all concerned with honoring. Honoring wisdom, silence, vision, dreams, feelings, and psychic abilities.
Wolf teaches us to walk in our integrity and to take the time to honor our wisdom. Something I teach about ad infinitum, is that our culture is practically devoid of honorable practice and celebration of the elders. They are the forgotten and the tucked-away, as their knowledge is just becoming quieter and more seasoned. We, too, carry deep wisdom, and winter, the period of being in the North, is the perfect season to sit still and become intimate with it.
Hawk is the great Mercurial Messenger. Soaring overhead, the keen-eyed raptor invites us to take a journey into our dreams and visions. This is a time of analysis of what has been recurring for us-the animals who frequently bless and visit us, the plants who sprout up near our doorsteps, and the hopes which we’ve carried and require lift for. It is easy to reside in the East, the place of new beginnings and blank canvases. Hawk allows us to take what we’ve got and make something of it.
Owl is the harbinger of the harvest. Watching over fields and hillsides, she teaches us about death, grief, and honoring them as we experience the West on the Wheel of Life. Her silent flight is a reminder to acknowledge what has been and to draw inward as we call upon our psychic resources and feminine nature to feel into the spirit world. She is the guardian of memories and a great healer of the past.
It’s an enormous joy to work with these animals and their medicine in the coming year, which may be my last of teaching in typical SouLodge fashion as I prepare for a sabbatical in 2017.
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